Jeux historiques

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"Celui qui ne connaît pas l'histoire est condamné à la revivre." (Karl Marx) "Les histos", comme nous les appelons affectueusement, sont avant tout de grand passionnés prêts à fournir d'immenses efforts pour reconstituer avec le plus de fidélité possible les batailles et armées des temps passés. Leur amour pour les figurines n'a d'égal que leurs connaissances de ces périodes si riches en enseignements. Ils nous offrent une véritable plongée au cœur de l'histoire !

British et inter allied commandos
British et inter allied commandos
remise 15% historique
(1 avis)
Les Commandos se sont forgé une réputation extraordinaire d'audace et de bravoure pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Formé en 1940 sur ordre du Premier ministre britannique Winston Churchill dans le but exprès de reprendre le combat contre les forces armées allemandes apparemment imparables qui avaient chassé le Corps expéditionnaire britannique hors de France avec une telle facilité apparente.
British & Canadian Army infantry
British & Canadian Army infantry
remise 15% historique
Le nouveau kit plastique pour les Britanniques et les Canadiens est incroyablement détaillé et permet une myriade d'options de personnalisation.
British 8th Army
British 8th Army
remise 15% historique
Formée à partir de la Western Desert Force en 1941, la 8e armée britannique comprenait des hommes de tout le Commonwealth britannique - Britanniques, Néo-Zélandais, Australiens, Indiens et Sud-Africains.
British Airborne
British Airborne
remise 15% historique
Peu de divisions de l'armée britannique ont acquis une réputation aussi valeureuse aussi rapidement que la division de parachutistes. Connus sous le ...
Bolt Action Battlefield Accessories
Bolt Action Battlefield Accessories
This brand new set allows you to build a large variety of signs to confuse your enemy, warn your friends of mines, add communication lines and defended positions - giving you a great choice of how you battlefield will look!
French island assault starter set
French island assault starter set
remise 15% historique
Les batailles de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont ravagé le monde entier. Alors que le coffret de départ Band of Brothers est très préoccupé par le théâtre européen à la suite du jour J, notre tout nouveau coffret de départ se concentre sur le Pacifique, opposant le Corps des Marines des États-Unis aux défenseurs des îles japonaises dans certains des plus brutaux et les batailles acharnées de la guerre.
Black powder Epic battles: ACW Skirmishers
Black powder Epic battles: ACW Skirmishers
remise 15% historique
Skirmishing troops were important parts of Union and Confederate battleplans during the American Civil War. Ranging ahead of the main attack columns, skirmishers advanced in loose formations to harass the enemy, draw fire, and 'screen' the troops behind them ahead of a major bayonet charge. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Black Powder Epic battles: ACW dismounted cavalry
Black Powder Epic battles: ACW dismounted cavalry
remise 15% historique
The role of Cavalry during the American Civil War went through a peculiar evolution. The realities of the evolving battlefield required a change from the tactics of previous wars. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Black Powder ACW The Iron Brigade
Black Powder ACW The Iron Brigade
remise 15% historique
The Iron Brigade (or black hats) was an infantry brigade in the Union Army of the Potomac, formed of regiments of three now Midwest states. Known for their strong fighting prowess and distinctive uniform, the Iron Brigade suffered the highest casualties of any formation during the Civil War. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Black Powder ACW Zouaves
Black Powder ACW Zouaves
remise 15% historique
The Zouave Regiments (or Zouave Inspired Regiments) were used by both the Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Black Powder ACW Cavalry Brigade
Black Powder ACW Cavalry Brigade
remise 15% historique
Cavalry played a pivotal role in all conflicts up to and including the American Civil War, however it is fair to say that the use of cavalry was forever changed during the War. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Epic battle: ACW Union brigade
Epic battle: ACW Union brigade
remise 15% historique
The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Epic battle: ACW Confederate brigade
Epic battle: ACW Confederate brigade
remise 15% historique
The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
The Waterloo campaign - French heavy cavalry brigade
The Waterloo campaign - French heavy cavalry brigade
remise 15% historique
Cuirassiers, Carabiniers and Dragoons were France's heavy strike force and had proven themselves throughout Europe on every battlefield and against a host of enemies. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
The Waterloo campaign - French light cavalry brigade
The Waterloo campaign - French light cavalry brigade
remise 15% historique
There are few more impressive sights to see than massed French light cavalry in full array. Green-clad Chasseurs and the colourfully dressed Hussars did most of the outpost and scouting duties before battle commenced. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
The Waterloo campaign - French infantry brigade
The Waterloo campaign - French infantry brigade
remise 15% historique
'Vive L'empereur!' A cry shouted from thousands of proud Frenchmen as 'Les bleus' stormed forward in tight, disciplined columns on the 18th June 1815 at the small Belgian town of Waterloo. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
The Waterloo campaign - British heavy cavalry brigade
The Waterloo campaign - British heavy cavalry brigade
remise 15% historique
Arguably the best shock cavalry of the period, the British heavy cavalry showed great bravery but poor control on the day of Waterloo. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
The Waterloo campaign - British light cavalry brigade
The Waterloo campaign - British light cavalry brigade
remise 15% historique
British light cavalry had a reputation of 'galloping at anything' and whilst not entirely fair, they certainly were not shy in taking on enemy light cavalry and indeed even the huge armoured heavy French cavalry, as the men were confident in themselves and their horses being as large as the heavy French steeds. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
The Waterloo campaign - British infantry brigade
The Waterloo campaign - British infantry brigade
remise 15% historique
These are 'Noseys' men – solid battalions of redcoats who would stand firm at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Disciplined, tough and all volunteers, they had high confidence in themselves and their officers, and held the crucial ridge all day long against a brave and determined enemy. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Epic battles: American Civil war starter
Epic battles: American Civil war starter
remise 15% historique
With the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the tension between the Northern and Southern States boiled over into outright hostility. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Russian Line Infantry (1812-1815)
Russian Line Infantry (1812-1815)
remise 15% historique
24 figurines en plastique et en métal Ce produit contient des figurines détaillées, des petite pièces et des composants essentiels pointu. Ceci n'est pas un jouet. Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de 14 ans.
A34 Comet heavy tank
A34 Comet heavy tank
remise 15% historique
The Comet in many ways was an up-rated Cromwell, retaining its low silhouette and improving on both armour and armament. It had more than 4 inches of frontal armour - the same as the much heavier American Pershing tank.
Autoblinda AB41
Autoblinda AB41
remise 15% historique
Contains: 1 Resin and Metal Vehicle. Bolt Action Stat Card Decal Sheet Vehicle Damage Markers
Armadillo MkIII
Armadillo MkIII
remise 15% historique
Armadillos were improvised armoured self-propelled guns based on any available lorry chassis for airfield defence. The ‘armour’ consisted of wood and/or steel plates lined with gravel.
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