Jeux historiques

Bon plan

"Celui qui ne connaît pas l'histoire est condamné à la revivre." (Karl Marx) "Les histos", comme nous les appelons affectueusement, sont avant tout de grand passionnés prêts à fournir d'immenses efforts pour reconstituer avec le plus de fidélité possible les batailles et armées des temps passés. Leur amour pour les figurines n'a d'égal que leurs connaissances de ces périodes si riches en enseignements. Ils nous offrent une véritable plongée au cœur de l'histoire !

American Civil war confederate infantry
American Civil war confederate infantry
remise 10% historique
The figures in this box represent a Confederate infantry regiment form 1862 onwards although there are a fair amount of units that can be depicted from 1861 too.
American Civil war Union infantry in sack coast
American Civil war Union infantry in sack coast
remise 10% historique
The figures in this box are in skirmishing poses; firing, loading and running. They are all in sack coats and have the choice of either forage caps or broad-brimmed hats.
American Civil war Infantry
American Civil war Infantry
remise 10% historique
A perfect way to get your American Civil War army off the ground or add more firepower to your existing force. This boxed set cleverly allows you to make either Union or Confederate troops by way of separate hats.
M4 Sherman medium tank
M4 Sherman medium tank
remise 10% historique
The Sherman Tank was the main stay of the American army. The Break out from the Normandy beaches and the bocage could never been achieved without the...
remise 10% historique
Formed around a core of Veteran Troops and armed with the new StG44, the Volksgrenadiers head to battle in defense of their homeland!
Daimler Armoured Car Mk 1
Daimler Armoured Car Mk 1
remise 10% historique
Tough, fast and agile, the Daimler's design was an enlarged version of the successful Daimler Dingo. With four-wheel drive and extremely low gearing, it could climb extremely steep slopes with ease. Its rotating turret was armed with a 2 pounder anti-tank gun with a co-axial machine gun.
Humber Scout Car
Humber Scout Car
remise 10% historique
The Humber Scout Car carried a crew of two, with an emergency seat for a third member. It was equipped with a No. 19 radio set and armed with either a Vickers K machine gun or a drumfed Bren gun. This was mounted above the roof, and could be operated from inside the vehicle using a system looking similar to bicycle handlebars, where the "brake" levers fired the triggers of the MGs.
Anti-Tank Obstacles
Anti-Tank Obstacles
remise 10% historique
The development of fast-moving reliable tanks led to many ideas of how to slow or destroy them. Large shaped blocks of concrete, strengthened with a steel core, often called Dragon's Teeth were a good way to block a vehicle's progress.
Black Powder Epic Battles: French Middle & Old Guard
Black Powder Epic Battles: French Middle & Old Guard
remise 10% historique
Napoleon created the Imperial Guard as an army within an army. To gain access to its hallowed ranks was the dream of many French soldiers. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Black Powder Epic Battles: British Highlanders & Riflemen
Black Powder Epic Battles: British Highlanders & Riflemen
remise 10% historique
Wellington's Allied army was a colourful mix of nationalities and troop types. None were more exotic-looking than the three regiments of Highlanders at the Battle of Waterloo. 14+. ATTENTION. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Petits éléments. Éléments essentiels pointus.
Gaul Horsemen
Gaul Horsemen
remise 10% historique
While we hold as much stock as possible, on occasion this product may need to be cast especially for you by our expert staff. Ce produit contient des figurines détaillées, des petite pièces et des composants essentiels pointu. Ceci n'est pas un jouet. Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de 14 ans.
Caesar's Legion Heroes
Caesar's Legion Heroes
remise 10% historique
Ce produit contient des figurines détaillées, des petite pièces et des composants essentiels pointu. Ceci n'est pas un jouet. Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de 14 ans.
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