Jeux historiques

Bon plan

"Celui qui ne connaît pas l'histoire est condamné à la revivre." (Karl Marx) "Les histos", comme nous les appelons affectueusement, sont avant tout de grand passionnés prêts à fournir d'immenses efforts pour reconstituer avec le plus de fidélité possible les batailles et armées des temps passés. Leur amour pour les figurines n'a d'égal que leurs connaissances de ces périodes si riches en enseignements. Ils nous offrent une véritable plongée au cœur de l'histoire !

Spanish Navy 1 st Rate
Spanish Navy 1 st Rate
remise 15% historique
First-rate ships of the line are the ultimate vessel in Black Seas. These ships pack a tremendous punch and can take quite the pummelling.
Santisima Trinidad
Santisima Trinidad
remise 15% historique
The Santisima Trinidad (officially named Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) was a Spanish first-rate ship of the line. At launch in 1769, she had 112 guns, though this number gradually increased.
French Navy 1st Rate
French Navy 1st Rate
remise 15% historique
1st Rate ships of the line were extremely large and powerful and were a true display of a Navy's power. They were, however, expensive to operate, so their service use was limited in times of peace. In the carronade era, a 1st Rate ship-of-the-line was defined as mounting no less than 100 guns.
Black seas - Terrors of the deep
Black seas - Terrors of the deep
remise 15% historique
Sailors have swapped stories of the horrors that inhabit the seas for centuries, creating legends of monsters that come up from the murky depths to drag whole ships down to Davy Jones’ Locker.
Royal Navy 1st Rate
Royal Navy 1st Rate
remise 15% historique
A Royal Navy 1st rate is a particularly dangerous foe in Black Seas, especially true when using the National Special Rules.
Gunboat Squadron
Gunboat Squadron
remise 15% historique
A gunboat squadron is like a gnat in comparison to the larger ships-of-the-line.
Black Seas Merchant Vessels
Black Seas Merchant Vessels
remise 15% historique
Merchant vessels were not designed for combat. They were slow lumbering vessels designed to have a large capacity for transporting goods but at the sacrifice of manoeuvrability.
Black Seas Schooners squadron
Black Seas Schooners squadron
remise 15% historique
Schooners are two-masted vessels with both masts having loose footed sails rigged on gaff and two or more headsails (staysails rigged in front of the fore mast).
Black Seas Spanish Navy 3rd Rates of Renown
Black Seas Spanish Navy 3rd Rates of Renown
remise 15% historique
This box set outfits you with three Spanish Navy Third-Rate-Ships-of-the-line.
3 Frames of 25mm bases
3 Frames of 25mm bases
3 grappes de bases rondes de 25 x 25 mm
American Civil war Artillery
American Civil war Artillery
The set contains 3 guns, 3 limbers and 18 crew plus bases. There are 4 gun barrels for each gun; Napoleon 12pdr, 3 inch Ordnance Rifle, 10 pdr Parrott and 12 pdr Howitzer.
American Civil war confederate infantry
American Civil war confederate infantry
remise 15% historique
The figures in this box represent a Confederate infantry regiment form 1862 onwards although there are a fair amount of units that can be depicted from 1861 too.
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